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Jefferson Rodrigues
Jefferson Rodrigues

Concept Sourcebook A Vocabulary Of Architectural Forms

Concept Sourcebook A Vocabulary Of Architectural Forms

What is a concept sourcebook? A concept sourcebook is a book that provides a collection of ideas, examples, and principles for architectural design. It helps architects and students to explore different possibilities and solutions for their projects. A concept sourcebook can also serve as a reference and inspiration for creating original and innovative forms.

One of the most influential and popular concept sourcebooks in architecture is Concept Sourcebook: A Vocabulary of Architectural Forms by Edward T. White. This book was first published in 1975 and has been widely used by architects, educators, and students ever since. The book contains 196 pages of diagrams, sketches, photographs, and descriptions of various architectural forms and elements. The book is organized into four main sections: Need, Goals, Organization, and Forms.



The first section of the book discusses the need for architectural design. It explains that architecture is not only a matter of aesthetics, but also a response to human needs and environmental conditions. The book identifies six basic human needs that architecture should address: shelter, security, identity, activity, sensory stimulation, and growth. It also outlines the factors that affect the design process, such as site, climate, culture, technology, economics, and regulations.


The second section of the book defines the goals of architectural design. It states that the ultimate goal of architecture is to create a meaningful and satisfying environment for human beings. The book suggests that architects should consider four aspects of design quality: functionality, durability, beauty, and sustainability. It also introduces the concept of design philosophy, which is the set of values, beliefs, and principles that guide the design decisions.


The third section of the book explains the organization of architectural design. It describes how architects use various methods and tools to structure and communicate their ideas. The book covers topics such as design process, design analysis, design synthesis, design evaluation, design presentation, and design documentation. It also illustrates different types of design diagrams, such as bubble diagrams, adjacency diagrams, circulation diagrams, zoning diagrams, grid diagrams, and matrix diagrams.


The fourth and largest section of the book presents a vocabulary of architectural forms. It shows how architects can manipulate basic geometric shapes to create complex and expressive forms. The book categorizes architectural forms into three levels: elemental forms, which are the simplest and most abstract forms; compound forms, which are combinations of elemental forms; and complex forms, which are variations and transformations of compound forms. The book provides hundreds of examples of architectural forms from different styles, periods, and cultures.

The book concludes with a bibliography and an index of terms. The book is written in a clear and concise language, with minimal text and maximum graphics. The book is designed to be easy to use and understand by anyone interested in architecture. The book is not intended to be a comprehensive or definitive guide to architectural design, but rather a source of inspiration and stimulation for creative thinking.

Concept Sourcebook: A Vocabulary of Architectural Forms is a classic and timeless book that has influenced generations of architects and students. It is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about architectural design or improve their own design skills.

: [Concept Sourcebook : A Vocabulary of Architectural Forms - Google Books]


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